Dental Bonding vs. Dental Crowns

Modern dentistry has made it possible to treat almost any dental problem. That's the good news. The challenging part is that with so many treatment options available, it can be hard to say which one is right for you. 

Say you chipped a tooth. Should you get a dental crown, or is dental bonding a more fitting solution? 

In this article, we will try to explain the difference between dental bonding and dental crowns and help you figure out which one is right for you. 

What Is Dental Bonding? 

Bonding is a simple and fast way to treat minor chips and cracks or to enhance the appearance of your smile. The dentist will apply a tooth-colored composite resin to change and improve the shape of your teeth. After the bonding is cured with UV light, the dentist will smooth and polish it to give you an even look. 

The Pros and Cons of Dental Bonding 

As we said, the procedure is incredibly simple, and it only takes one visit to fix or correct the problem. It's also more cost-effective when compared to other cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as veneers. 

However, bonding only works if your tooth is not severely damaged. It's also not the most durable solution, as the bonding material is more prone to breaking and staining than crowns or veneers. But, with proper care, you can enjoy bonding for up to ten years. 

What Are Dental Crowns? 

While bonding is more of a cosmetic treatment, dental crowns can help you restore not only the appearance but also the functionality of a tooth. These custom-made caps are made to protect a severely damaged tooth or to restore your tooth's functionality following a root canal. 

The Pros and Cons of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are extremely versatile and can help fix a wide variety of dental problems, from broken or cracked teeth to teeth affected by decay and infections. 

Unlike bonding, where the procedure is fast and straightforward, getting a dental crown is more invasive and will keep you in the dentist's chair for longer. 

Crowns have a long lifespan, but they can also get damaged if you don't practice good oral hygiene or if you are in an accident. 

The experience of the person fitting the crown matters a lot too. If the crown is not properly fitted, then you will experience pain and discomfort when biting and chewing. 

Which One Is Right for Me? 

Both solutions can help you restore broken or damaged teeth, but the best option for your needs will ultimately depend on the severity of your problem. 

The best you can do is schedule an appointment with one of our Covington dentists at Cornerstone Dentistry. We can examine the problem, present the advantages and disadvantages of several options, and help you find the best one for your needs and budget. 

Get in touch with us, tell us about your problem, and book your appointment. 

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